Get to know us
We are a small private rabbitry located in Carlyle, Illinois. We specialize in giant rabbits, specifically Flemish and German Giants. We raise five varieties of pedigreed Flemish Giants including self black, blue, red eyed white, light grey, and sandy. All of our pure Flemish Giants are bred color correct to ARBA show standards. We also have a line of blue import German Giants and offer Flemish X German hybrid kits as well. Our rabbits are raised in 15 sq ft enclosures to ensure they have plenty of room to play and exercise. Quality of life for our animals is very important to us.

My mission
My three goals are improvement, education, and joy. My first goal is to improve the quality of Flemish Giants in the United States with a specialized focus on the blue variety. My second goal is education. I am passionate about educating people on care for giant rabbits. Finally, I aim to spread joy through my love of rabbits. We provide socialized rabbits that are sure to brighten anyone's day.
Founder & CEO
Hello! My name is Elizabeth Sarchet and I run The Sarchet Rabbitry. I am happily married with three beautiful children. We have one Great Dane, some chickens, and a lot of giant bunnies. I enjoy baking, homeschooling my children, playing soccer, and snuggling bunnies.